
Fire of the Sun

"In his new book, Fire of the Sun, author Simon Laffy has once again delved deep into the world of science, warfare and madness. This time, he touches upon dark secrets of Nazi technology and adds a splash of science fiction into the mix.'

"The result is another whirlwind ride of espionage, passion and intrigue as we journey through the tense landscape of the storyline. By combining large measures of real events, Laffy creates a compelling mystery that races to a powerful and evocative conclusion.'

"Fans of the author will love this one!"

Neil Anderson, author


"I enjoyed the mixture of historical and science-fiction elements in this book. The research done for this story made the book feel more real, and as a person that loves mystery and suspense in a novel, I was not left disappointed.'

"A favourite part of the book was the characters. Alfie was a sweet-natured character in the midst of a brutal environment and manages to stick to his nature despite also having to grow through the difficult moments. Jazz was another inspiring character, charging her battles head-on in the search for justice and vengeance. With many more interesting characters that populate the book, each with their own struggles to face and a role to play in the big picture, they drive the story to its epic conclusion.'

"Overall, the unique mix in genre’s and the roles of espionage and mystery made this a great book to read. With a lot of information and events in the story, it created a feeling of reality and pulled me in deeper into its pages."

Bookish Liz Blog

Red Sunrise

"Simon Laffy’s amazing ability to describe characters, their emotions and their surroundings puts the reader in the heart of his imagination, painting pictures in your mind like an impressionist artist.'

"With the recent release of films such as Darkest Hour and The Death of Stalin, Laffy’s description of enemy attacks sends a shiver down the readers spine; despite being a fictional novel, Red Sunrise takes you on a rollercoaster journey exploring the truth and horrors of nuclear weaponry, wartime, love and loss."

Lynda-Louise Tomlinson, Wrong in All the Write Ways


"The descriptive writing is superb. I particularly enjoyed the description of the attack on Hiroshima and the evocative passage conjuring up the storm at sea. I imagine that Laffy is a sailor, because the nautical writing has powerful veracity."

Rob Kirk, journalist

Seed of Satan

"Against the background of a war torn and embittered Europe, Seed of Satan runs a taut journey through 20th century history, detailing the role and rise of science as an agent of freedom and death. Laffy’s prose runs at a high speed as we witness the characters come to grips with what this new power means, reaching a crucible of social and spiritual disquiet on the Western Front."

Kailas Elmer, editor, Trebuchet Magazine


"Simon is a really natural storyteller, in that he makes you want to keep turning pages. He makes you care about the characters and what happens to them. Moreover, the plot is well constructed with attention to historical detail, but never to the point where this overrides the flow of the tale. That’s a clever balance not everyone can achieve.'

"Like all excellent writers, Simon keeps you engrossed. You want to know what happens next. And when you’ve finished the book you feel exhilarated to have gotten involved with the twists and turns, but disappointed it is over. The temptation is to start reading it all over again. A sure sign of quality."

Malcolm Dome, journalist and author


"Simon successfully blurs the lines between fact and fiction while keeping within the framework of historical accuracy. At the same time making sure the reader is totally engaged. Well done, Simon!"

Phil Collen, rock musician and author