Deep State by The Noble Woodsheds of Windsor
Cryo Babies by The Noble Woodsheds of Windsor
Meet the band
Roger Rock – vocals
Don’t blame Roger Rock (real name Timothy Winkle) for thinking he’s God’s Gift – all his fans do as well! He’s busy building a selfie collection to rival the Kardashian’s, but realistically knows he’ll never be able to afford the cloud storage.
Okay, he cannot pass a mirror without a 20-second pause, either. Sometimes, he even gets locked into a trademark ‘smile-loop’, where he smiles, the mirror smiles back, and so it cycles for 10-15 minutes. But hey, it’s not his fault for looking so damn tasty!
Zack Gold – guitar
Guitarist Zack Gold (Barry Tweed) has built a reputation for fast riffs, fast cars, fast food and fasting. He’s also hungry for intoxicants, fame and loose women of any description and, boy, does he try hard to get them.
He compensates for utterly failing to satisfy his needs by playing endless rounds of speed Jenga deep into the night with his trusty guitar tech, Biffo, and a few cans of Diamond White cider.
Jack Flash – bass
Bassist Jack Flash (Pete Tumbledown) effortlessly projects as the archetypal shoe gazer. That may be, but he’s sure he sees something moving down there? His friends are always telling him to cut back on the psychotropic medication.
Meanwhile, he’s fiendishly making plans to Rule the World from the box bedroom in his parent’s house in High Wycombe. It’s gonna take time and he knows it. But, as Jack says, “You’ve gotta start somewhere…”
Vince Venus – drums
Bringing up the rear, meet drummer Vince Venus (Norman Blankett), an ADHD fidget that spends his entire waking hours tapping on every object within arms reach (… much to the intense irritation of the rest of the band).
No wonder he gets ‘accidentally’ left behind at gigs while the tour bus speeds off into the darkness. And once he’s finally made his way back to Band HQ, he gets locked outside until daylight to reinforce his ‘no-fidget’ regime. It’s for his own good, the others graciously remind him.